Obama was right


When Barack Obama of the US said that the problem of African countries was

not corruption but weak Institutions, he was right.

While Africans see bad leadership and corruption as the bane of our society, indeed strong Institutions are capable of checking both.

Beyond strong Institutions, the will of the people and the God factor always prevails over maladministration and corruption.

The West and the developed world both have bad leaders and corruption but in their being are checks for both.

Sadly, these are lacking in Nigeria and other third world countries. What we have in abundance is excuses.

Plenty words never a basket fill. We can go on and on, on how Europe under developed Africa but who developed America?

Knowing a problem is half way to the solution. In the matter of Elections in Nigeria, it is about a docile people and a weak electoral body called Independent both lacking the attributes of Independence.

The Police is another ball game entirely. The Legislature, full of powers but lacking in selflessness.

The Executive suffuse with powers but lacking in candour, courage and integrity.

The last hope of the common man is supposed to be the courts but how many common men have the means to approach the courts for succour?

If wishes were horses perhaps we all Nigerians will be riding. We love justice but lack courage.

Power is never given but always taken. By the power of God and our strong Institutions, we can make hay.

Where to start? Where else but our Institutions of learning. Time there was when school children were cared for by the country and indeed those children rose to be the conscience of the country.

What do we have today? Quota in admission, congestion in classrooms, disoriented and unmotivated teachers.

For now parents have voted with their feet against public schools and those whose children are still there are helpless and hopeful of better days to migrate to private schools.

How then do we build strong citizens able and willing to fight for their heritage? Certainly not by denying them care but by preparing them from cradle through adulthood.

For now there is a conflict between the forces of domination and the lumpen proletariat. Like Labour will say they have nothing to lose but their chains.

For how much they will wait, no one knows but fight they must to loose their chains.


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