I want to be as non partisan as Lauretta Onochie
During PMB's first coming as Head of State, he tried unsuccessfully to cargo
Umaru Dikko from Britain to Nigeria. While we were sad at such a monumental failure, we failed to thank God for what would have been.The question is why try to kidnap your citizens from other countries?
Libya today is the result of Gaddafi, yesterday.
Do we remember Ghadaffi? What of Sadam Hussein? You can be forgiven if you do not remember Hitler but Germans do.
The world is a global village. Understand the world and make your goals.
Motivational speakers urge us to think outside the box just like kidnapping Nnamdi Kanu and the furore is what decent men like Onyemah would be battling to contain.
Only losers think outside the box. The aftermath is akin to the result of rebellion.
Lauretta Onochie has been a dye in the wool Buharist.
Why nominate her as an electoral umpire? The saddest part is that we Southerners would be most vociferous in condemning this most reprehensible act. The result: a Northerner takes her part.
Thus, the North can gloat and say, ' but you rejected your own'.
It is their way because their idea of civilization is kilometers apart from ours.
The mistake of Lugard can be revisited to save southerners from this odium.
It is not about hate. It is reality. There is something called irreconcilable differences. If that isn't what we have, then the word needs to be redefined.
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